I think about all I've come through and all I've overcome and I still doubt myself. I don't doubt myself in the area of making the right or wrong choice anymore. I know leaving my dysfunctional marriage was the best thing for me...and Emily, but I doubt myself in other ways.
I doubt myself in my career. Can I really keep doing this job? Is this really the career God wants me to do? There must be something better for me.
I doubt myself as a mother. Emily has her moments when she tests me or can be a top notch brat and I wonder am I really doing a good job? Is she going to be a good girl? Will she grow up to love God? Am I showing her the "right" way?
I doubt myself in my relationship. Does Steve really love me? Can this be real to be this happy and natural with someone? Will he leave me too?
I don't really have an answer for myself today other than I believe these feelings are all normal and I've got to remember who to look for during these times of doubt. I won't find the answers asking friends or watching tv. I have to look to God and have Him help me to discern what the right answer is. Right now I have a lot of uncertainty. I just realize now that I need to get back in with God and trust Him. He's gotten me this far...I'm not going to stop now!