My stomach instantly dropped. Seriously?! EIGHT MONTHS! That stinks. I instantly told him I don't want him to do it. But then he started telling me all the "benefits" of the job. While he's gone, he won't have to pay for anything but food and spending. His rent and car will be taken care of and when he finishes the two year fulfillment, he'll be promoted and get a raise. He said it's the fastest way for him to grow in the company, which would allow us to start our life together.
I don't want him to go, but I do want to support him. He was there for me every step of the way through my mess. I want to support him. I want him to know that we can do this and get through this. I keep telling myself 8 months is a drop in the bucket when you compare it to the rest of our lives. I know we could do it, it would just be hard. I don't want to be without him!!
UGH! Why can't it all work out nicely and easily? Guess God wants to make me stronger!